Where can I use Quicky AI app?
It's a Chrome extension that runs in your browser
Do I need to pay for OpenAI API Key?
Yes, you need to bring your own OpenAI API key and pay for the cost incurred from your usage.
Where can I get the OpenAI API key?
You can visit this link https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys and login/signup to get one.
Why am I seeing "Invalid API key" error?
If you are seeing this it means there's a problem with your OpenAI account.
Please check if your account is expired by going to your OpenAI usage page.
If your account is expired, then you need to add billing details to make it active.
Can I create my own prompts?
Yes, you can have your own prompt roles that help you with your own needs.
e.g., Let's say you are into marketing, you can have a prompt related to marketing and save it. You can access that role from the extension menu.
This feature is live now, you can start having your own custom roles to make the most out of QuickyAI.
How can I contact you through email?
You can send all your doubts or questions related to QuickyAI to [email protected]
Where will my license and OpenAI API key be stored?
Your credentials will be stored locally in your browser and never shared anywhere else.
Does QuickyAI collect any of my data?
None of your data will be collected by QuickyAI. It runs completely in your browser and interacts directly with the OpenAI.
How can I make feature requests?
You can email us [email protected] with all your bug report or feature requests to improve QuickyAI.
Does it support GPT-4?
Yes! For GPT-4, we currently support GPT-4 and GPT-4 32k models.
How do I regenerate my QuickyAI license?
You can visit your orders page and login with the purchase email to regenerate your license key: https://app.lemonsqueezy.com/my-orders/